Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality can be interpreted and implemented in a variety of ways. Using virtual reality has many pros. Using 3D modeling we can create virtual designs of pretty much anything. From cars to homes, creating a 3d model allows us to see the finished product before starting construction. Using virtual reality, many professionals in fields such medical, military, aviation and more can practice their skills and prepare to perform their jobs. Virtual reality can also be used to create gaming worlds where anyone can create an avatar and interact with other players to accomplish tasks and entertain themselves. The cons of virtual reality is that they are prone to programming errors. The images seen can be inaccurate and may lead to mistakes in the real world. Despite the cons, virtual reality fosters a lot of creativity. Starting at a young age, many kids have begun to learn design, construction, and problem solving skills playing Minecraft. With 3-D design softwares, we can create intricate designs and test ideas before implementing them into real world. 

Recently, virtual reality has taken a leap with the integration of holographic images and the real world. Innovations such as the Microsoft Hololens allows virtual reality to be projected into the real world allowing people to see both the virtual world and the real world. The future of virtual reality is headed towards this integration and has already yielded incredible results.


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