
Showing posts from March, 2017

Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds Virtual reality can be interpreted and implemented in a variety of ways. Using virtual reality has many pros. Using 3D modeling we can create virtual designs of pretty much anything. From cars to homes, creating a 3d model allows us to see the finished product before starting construction. Using virtual reality, many professionals in fields such medical, military, aviation and more can practice their skills and prepare to perform their jobs. Virtual reality can also be used to create gaming worlds where anyone can create an avatar and interact with other players to accomplish tasks and entertain themselves. The cons of virtual reality is that they are prone to programming errors. The images seen can be inaccurate and may lead to mistakes in the real world. Despite the cons, virtual reality fosters a lot of creativity. Starting at a young age, many kids have begun to learn design, construction, and problem solving skills playing Minecraft. With 3-D design softwares,


Twitter Compared to a Blackboard discussion, Twitter is both limiting in some ways. With the 139 character limit to posts, it hinders the user from completely expressing what they are trying to say. On the other hand, the ability to directly tweet someone with the @ feature and the ability to have followers who will see your tweets in their feed allow others to see your posts easier.  Compared to a classroom discussion, I think Twitter can't compare. There is no social media interaction that can compare to a face to face conversation. While we can't share videos or images in a classroom discussion, pulling it up on a computer is easy. For these reasons I believe a classroom discussion is by far superior a Twitter discussion. 

Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites Facebook - Facebook's features include all of the benefits of the other 3 plus more. It is the most complete social media platform of the 4. Wether you use a personal account or a business one,   the features are easy to use and the interface is simple and elegant. You can use it to promote a business, share information, post videos and pictures, and anything else you can think of.  Twitter - Twitter is the least practical of the 4 social media platforms. With the character restriction, I feel like this social networking site hinders the user from expressing themselves fully. It does allow you to post videos, images and gifs. It also allows you to create a poll which is a pretty unique feature. Instagram - Instagram is an image sharing social network. It allows you to take and post images and videos of up to a minute long. It has a variety of filter options for the content you upload. It has options to tag locations to let your followers know

Blog Social Networking

Blog Social Networking Social Networking is an ever evolving form of online interaction that people have been using for over a decade. Networking sites and apps such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are used by both individuals and businesses to share news, ideas, pictures, videos, advertisements and many other form of information. The benefits of these apps to society is that information has become very dynamic.  It has also become easier to connect with loved ones who we don't see on a daily basis. You can share your daily activities and your loved ones know what you are up to, they can see your pictures, they can video chat you and it feels as if you aren't apart at all. All this can happen in real time so you never feel alone. Another benefit of information being dynamic is that businesses or even people can no longer scam you as easily. With user and buyer reviews, you can research almost anything you want to purchase or experience in depth before taking the plunge

Blogs v Wikis

Blogs vs Wikis  Blogs and Wikis are both part of the New Media era of information management and distribution. Both can be equally useful in the collaboration of ideas and sharing of information. The main difference between these two types of new media platforms is that Wiki posts can be created and edited by all of the users on the platform, whereas a blog post can only be created by one person and the other users can only comment and discuss.  Therefore information is more static in a blog and more dynamic in a Wiki. A post in a blog is usually created and not often edited afterwards but opinions and inputs are added onto the comments, giving a variety of insights. In a Wiki, the main post is usually edited often to provide the most up to date and accurate information making the post a good source of information but there isn't a variety of individual insight rather a collective summary.